John sells his property to Michael.
Michael has secured the purchase price (with cash or bank funding, as the case may be).
John needs the proceeds of the sale urgently for, among other things, rates and taxes and/or to place a deposit on another property he wishes to buy.
John makes application to Sw1ft for bridging finance.
Sw1ft advances up to 70% of the nett proceeds due to John from the sale of his property after all deductions, bond costs and the like have been duly considered.
Sw1ft and Easy
The seller does not have to wait the lengthy process until registration of transfer of the property before he/she gets the proceeds of the sale due.
Sw1ft works with the conveyancer mandated to process the registration of transfer of the property.
The Conveyancer undertakes to settle Sw1ft from the proceeds of the sale of the property due to the seller once registration of transfer of the property at the deeds office has occurred.